Meet the Maker

Welcome to Made with Love, Heather!

Hey y’all! I’m Heather from Made with Love, Heather! The glitter obsessed boss babe of beautiful custom tumblers! I launched this business in February 2020 and I am so thankful for everyone who has been along this journey with me from the start.✨
I am a full time wife, mama bear of 2, and middle school math teacher during the day, so I do all of my crafting at night! In addition to chasing an almost 4 year old and snuggling my newborn, I am also in grad school part time finishing my Masters in STEM Education!
I absolutely LOVE working as a teacher but owning a small business has also always been a dream of mine. My college degree is actually in Business Administration! I’m thankful I’m able to be both teacher and master crafter.🌟
I am continuously humbled and honored to make tumblers for you and your loved ones to enjoy. Every time I hear a customer say, “I love my tumbler!” my heart bursts and I feel fulfilled on a level I cannot begin to describe. I would not be able to do what I love everyday without all of you!💫
Thank you for your continued support & I look forward to the amazing tumblers that we will create here at MWLH! ☀️
Xoxo, Heather💜✨